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lakoliwe diary
30 novembre 2009

Expecting a Baby, but Not the Stereotypes

Q. You recently became pregnant and expect to continue working through the pregnancy and after maternity leave. Although the initial reaction has been positive, is it possible you will face negative repercussions in the office?

A. It is possible, said Jack Tuckner, a partner in Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, a law firm in Manhattan specializing in women’s workplace rights. That’s because pregnant women are often stigmatized and stereotyped and can elicit unwanted paternalistic protection, Mr. Tuckner said.

For example, he said, someone might think it’s best “if the pregnant woman isn’t included — she can’t stay out late, can’t knock back martinis with the team and then work until 11 p.m. and she has to use the bathroom all the time.” A pregnant woman might also be excluded from e-mail lists, meetings or business trips.

Eden B. King, an assistant professor of psychology at George Mason University, said that women interviewed for studies she has done on workplace pregnancy and discrimination reported feeling excluded from new projects that would help their career development.

“They are seen as already being out of the game,” she said. “Some women report experiencing a form of benevolent sexism, where they are treated like a child who needs to be protected or people pat their stomach.”

If you feel you are being marginalized or subjected to hostility you should complain, Mr. Tuckner said, because federal and state laws protect pregnant women from being treated differently from others.

Although it’s advisable to put any formal complaint in writing, an angry letter to human resources may be the wrong approach because it could result in people turning against you, he warned. Instead, write an informal letter or e-mail note. It could read something like this, he said: “‘I’ve worked here for 10 years and added a lot of value to this company and I want to continue to work here. But here’s the problem: Since I told Joe about my pregnancy and asked about the maternity leave policy, he’s excluded me from business trips and reassigned my best accounts. Can you please help me with this?”

Q. When is the best time to disclose the pregnancy?

A. Many women want to wait until they are past the 12-week mark. But depending on how closely you work with others in your department, you may feel that it’s best to tell them even earlier, especially if you’re experiencing physical symptoms like nausea and fatigue.安全工程师考试 安全工程师考试试题 安全工程师考试报名 安全工程师考试时间 安全工程师考试内容 安全工程师考试试题 安全工程师考试成绩查询法律知识:法律知识热点 安全工程师法律知识热点 法律知识热点辅导 法律知识热点问题法律知识试题 安全工程师法律知识试题 法律知识试题及答案 法律知识试题下载 历年安全工程师法律知识试题 法律知识模拟试题 法律知识模拟试卷管理知识: 管理知识测试安全工程师管理知识 安全工程师管理知识试题安全工程师试题 安全工程师题及答案 安全工程师试题下载安全工程师模拟题 安全工程师模拟试卷生产技术:安全工程师生产技术指导 安全工程师生产技术技巧生产技术试题 安全工程师生产技术试题 安全工程师生产技术真题及答案生产技术模拟试题 安全工程师生产技术模拟题案例: 安全工程师案例 案例成绩查询案例试题 安全工程师案例试题 安全工程师案例试题及答案 安全工程师案例经验技巧安全工程师案例模拟试题

Disclosing your pregnancy early also allows more time to communicate about it with colleagues. “I think being really explicit early on about what is happening and what your plans are for the next six months, and then six months after that, helps co-workers manage their own expectations,” Ms. King said.

Q. The physical symptoms of pregnancy are often hard to deal with at work. How can you deal with your need to use the restroom more often or handle bouts of fatigue without appearing unprofessional?

A. Marjorie Greenfield, an obstetrician and author of “The Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book,” advised combining trips to the bathroom with other places you need to visit, like the mailroom. When in meetings, sit near the door so you can make a quick escape if necessary.

“About 70 percent of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting,” she said, “so make yourself a bag of emergency supplies to combat that” — like ginger snaps, dry cereal, crackers, hard lemon candies and mouthwash, “and an extra blouse, in case it gets stained or sweaty.”

In dealing with fatigue, ask about working more flexible hours, so that you can come in later and get a little extra sleep. Some women also try to plan time off at the eighth or ninth week, which tends to be when symptoms peak, Dr. Greenfield said.

Q. You want your career at the company to continue after you have the baby, but you worry that while you are off on maternity leave you won’t be seen as a team player anymore. How can you alter that perception?

A. Counteract that stereotype upfront, by talking to your mangers and teammates.

“Tell them your career is very important to you, that you plan on coming back, are committed to the organization and your job,” Ms. King said.

Keep your foot in the door while you are on maternity leave by calling in to see how projects are progressing and stopping by with the baby for a visit, said Jamie Ladge, an assistant professor at the Northeastern University College of Business Administration who has conducted studies on pregnancy in the workplace.”梦见被猫攻击 梦见打猎 梦见白羊 梦见狗咬腿 梦见天上掉鱼 梦见养猫 梦见白蟾蜍 梦见自己在拾牛粪 梦见牛粪 梦见摸田螺 梦见被熊咬 梦见被美人鱼咬 梦见被金鱼咬 梦见乌贼 梦见耳朵里长虫 梦见吃海龟 梦见豹子咬人 梦见摸鱼 梦见狼狗 梦见喂鱼 梦见蛇咬脖子 梦见青蛇咬手 梦见被马咬 女人梦见蚂蟥 梦见黑鱼咬人 梦见被狗熊咬 孕妇梦见牛 梦见母牛生牛犊 梦见丈夫被猫咬 梦见毛驴 梦见七星瓢虫 梦见牛咬人 孕妇梦见熊猫 孕妇梦见海豚 梦见蚕 梦见捡鸟蛋 梦见兔子说话 梦见蜘蛛网 梦见熊猫咬人 梦见死耗子 梦见耗子 梦见猛虎 梦见骑牛 梦见驴咬人 孕妇梦见抓鱼 梦见蛇咬手 孕妇梦见蚂蚁 梦见海豹 梦见白马 梦见母鸡生蛋 梦见杀老鼠 梦见被牛追 孕妇梦见老虎 梦见鳄鱼咬人 梦见鸳鸯 梦见蚊子 梦见抓鸟 怀孕梦见龙 梦见虱子 梦见被蛇缠住脖子 梦见大狗 梦见知了、蝉 梦见吃黄鳝 孕妇梦见捞鱼 男人梦见猫 梦见藏羚羊 梦见鳝鱼 梦见野猫 梦见捉龙虾 梦见放牛 梦见田螺 梦见蟋蟀 梦见羊 梦见抓虾 梦见水牛 梦见刺猬 梦见老虎咬人 梦见牛蛙 梦见豹子咬我 孕妇梦见抓鳝鱼 梦见蛇咬孩子 梦见老婆被狗咬 梦见杀马 梦见杀毛毛虫 梦见猫叫 梦见黑猫咬人 梦见泥鳅 梦见骑驴跑 梦见两只兔子 梦见白蛆 梦见朋友被狗咬 梦见被狗咬腿 梦见小虫子 梦见鸟咬人 女人梦见鸡蛋 梦见鹅蛋 梦见跳蚤 梦见蚂蟥 梦见野鸭 梦见天鹅 梦见被鳝鱼咬 梦见大雁 梦见从井里钓鱼 梦见成堆的蚂蚁 梦见把蛇打死 梦见红蛇 梦见赛马 孕妇梦见杀蛇 梦见熊猫 梦见小鱼 梦见蚂蚁咬自己 梦见黄鼠狼 孕妇梦见乌龟 梦到被狗咬 梦见姐姐被鸟咬 梦见牛吃人 梦见自己被蜈蚣咬 梦见蛔虫 梦见犀牛 梦见买牛肉 梦见猪肉 梦见黑狗 梦见绿蛇 梦见捉小鸡 梦见狗咬别人 梦见斩蛇 梦见半截黄鳝 梦见被猫咬 梦见虫子 梦见甲鱼 梦见抓到螃蟹 梦见死狗 梦见虾米 梦见奔驰的马 孕妇梦见小猪 梦见捞乌龟 梦见牛打人 梦见蜜蜂蛰自己 梦见海豚 梦见鸡咬人 梦见毛毛虫 梦见鸡肉 梦见企鹅 梦见被鸟咬 梦见杀猫 梦见公鸡 梦见骑骆驼 梦见鸟蛋 梦见鲫鱼 梦见被鱼咬 梦见孔雀洗澡 梦见牛死了 梦见吃鳝鱼 梦见蚯蚓 梦见鱿鱼 梦见黑老鼠 梦见大象流血 梦见被动物咬 梦见蜥蜴 梦见牲畜说话 梦见燕子 梦见被狮子咬 梦见鸵鸟 梦见龙虾 梦见龙 梦见狐狸 梦见小狗 梦见青虫 梦见鱼跳入怀中 梦见仙鹤 梦见被蛇追 梦见小猪 梦见巨蟒

Q. Are there any benefits to being pregnant at work and returning afterward as a new mother?

A. In her research, Ms. Ladge said she found a real benefit — especially for first-time mothers, who suddenly become connected to a group of people at varying levels within the company who are also parents.

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“You make friends with more senior people, clients and those in other departments, easing into a conversation without making it all business,” she said. “Now you have this common ground and that can have very positive ramifications for your career.”

But that rise was attributable to “a variety of factors,” including increased participation, she said: 14,822 took the tests, an increase of 19 percent. The percentage scoring 90 percent or higher rose to 22 percent from 18 percent.
